Wednesday 6 October 2010

Preliminary Task

I have designed the front cover of a college magazine entitled "Bishop News". My magazine is aimed to target the students of Bishop Challoner sixth form. My model is a male student from the sixth form which I'd hoped would project familiarity among potential readers. I also used puffs placed along the left hand side. I positioned it there so it looked natural, for conventional reading. I made the text black as it is over my models white clothing, I thought black would be the most suitable colour for standing out and keeping in with the simple layout.
After taking the picture I put it onto paint where I added the text using the text tool. I got the barcode image from google and pasted it there.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good start-it is not a bad idea to puit teasers on both sides of the magazine as this is the usual convention with magazines.
